They say time.

“Peoples grief is not rational, and not the same.” – S.C.

I remember that day… Mom was in town visiting, it was a gorgeous sunny Seattle day. We took mom to the dispensary on Aurora, for the first time, as well as the “Purple store”, which we sh*t on later because of their lack of unique purple products, ha. We got beer flights at Pike place, took selfies, and bought apple chips from the local stand. As we were leaving the city, we got into the biggest fight. It had been so long since we’d yelled at each other like that. We said awful things to one another… I hate that memory of our fight, however I would give anything to fight with you again just to be able to hug you and say that I am sorry. I would give anything, absolutely anything, to spend another minute with you. People want so much in life… they say “Is it so much to ask…” for this or that, that seems so minimal, and for me, all I can think is “Is it so much to ask to have just one more minute of your time, just one?”  

Tragedy inevitably causes us to have a different outlook on life. It forces us to see the good, the better, to love harder, and not sweat the small stuff. It reminds us that we should be true and honest with those in our lives, by letting them know how we really feel about them. I’ve been told that I now have a new perspective on life, but that’s not true, it’s not new. I have thought this way, I’d just gotten lost by influence; why do we complain and whine about the slightest things, why do we think the worst of others first, and trash talk those we don’t know? We let frustrations of what we can’t control get the best of us.

Some days, I have acceptance. And more often, denial is what I face. I expect to hear from you on Sundays. I lie in bed in the morning and wonder when your text will come through. Asked you to come by and do laundry, and we could drink those two specialty beers sitting in my fridge… I’ve been talking to you more. The bad days have been frequent. It’s difficult to ask for what you need. It’s difficult for me to ask for what I need, and that’s just who I am. I let it build up and lash out on those I love the most. Those that I need the most. My brain is somehow telling me to push people away; irrational. I’ve been too busy soaking up the feelings of other’s, and that’s because I’m a sponge in the f*cking  Pacific.

I haven’t been sleeping well, my apartment is a mess, I’ve become a total flake, bailing on plans I make. I binge eat junk food. Sometimes I don’t eat at all. I drink early, I drink late. I’ve shut people out. I call out of work. I have been getting into bed earlier and earlier every single night. As soon as I wake up in the morning, my first thought is “I can’t wait to get off work and go home to crawl back into bed.” I’ve been mad at everyone for nothing they have done. There are trigger words that I’m irritably sensitive to, and those around me unknowingly say things that make me want to scream. Understand my desire for wanting to shut the world out, for this precise reason.

When I think about it too long, I drive myself mad, crying so hysterically until I make myself sick to my stomach. I didn’t know I was capable of this reaction. To panic, and cry until you can’t breathe, your chest aches up to your throat and all you feel like doing is throwing up.

I’ve desperately been searching for a balance. Forcing myself to do. My brain decides at the last minute whether the answer is yes or no. Whether to get up or shut down. Mentioning the future and holiday’s impulsively brings tears to my eyes. This is my life now, without you. This is my life now…

With what I can give,

Looking for home.


Newly twenty-six, it seemed like a very appropriate time to put this into words. Many of you are aware that this last weekend was a big weekend. I made my first 3 tiered, roughly 75 serving cake! For perspective, it was equivalent to 9 dozen cupcakes! Alas, 13438916_1129980353729834_4582457260331962212_nit was successful. There were obviously little details that only I saw, and know to learn from. None the less, a lovely wedding. Huge thank you to each and every one of you who had a hand in getting me through it all. My Mac & Dan rescue me yet again, another cake, another year.

Having said that, I want to make it very clear right now that I am not in business. Dramabakes is not taking on business or requests. I wasn’t clear before. I straddled this line of “kind of doing business, kind of on pause.” It won’t be forever, but until I give the word that I’m back, I am definitely out of business.  I appreciate and thank you all so much for being so interested and supportive of me and my passion and my baking, but to be completely transparent… I‘m stuck. As much as I don’t want to admit that publicly, I’m so very… stuck.

See, sometime in 2015, I went on a journey, took a little detour, and I ran into a few troubles. I’ve tried to fix it, but keep getting further from home. I’ve been allowing others to believe that I don’t need help. But instead, I hit this fog, and I’m in it. I’ve been lost in this fog for so long that I’m starting to become comfortable with it. Rather than looking for my way out of it to return, I’m kind of sitting there as if I’ve already been defeated.

In regards to my love, it’s not about business, money, or getting my name out there. I’ve said this time and time again, that I want to work on myself, and find myself. To which people keep telling me that ‘you’ll spend the rest of your life discovering who you are’, and I do believe that to an extent. But I also know that I lost parts of a woman I used to be a year ago, and I want her back. I feel a fading connection with my love, and I want that back as well. So, that means I am DONE with business and getting back to focusing on my relationship with my passion and myself.

Someone incredibly important and dear to me reminded me today that I have amazing abilities, and strong will. That I stand up for myself when I feel it’s warranted. I’ve lost positive light. I have an open and caring heart, and I used to dust myself off whenever an issue happened. I could realign. I was once in touch with flexing my muscles, picking myself up and trying. If they told me to believe in myself, I would try. 

A little bit of surprise came over me. That used to be a part of me, and I can’t find that same person. Instead, I’ve been pretending to be her. I’ve been more critical of my passion than ever before, I’ve lost so much will to fight these days, when something goes wrong, it’s like my world’s falling apart.

I had this unrealistic expectation that the fog would clear after the stresses of June were over, and in actuality, it didn’t fix anything. I was down, thinking I’d be up, but I’m down. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve tried. I’ve been trying, and trying but I’ve also been defeated, and giving up, and giving up.

I needed this eye opener. I’m not going to be defeated anymore. I’m not going to give up, I’m going to fight for that part of me again. I’m not going to try and fill voids, and pretend that everything is getting better. I’m going to admit and accept that I’m lost in a fog and I’m trying to find my way.

I’m coming home.

yours truly,

We danced.

It was unexpected.

I was so positive on giving up for a while. I had my heart so set on needing this break, this absolutely desperate call for separation. The last couple weeks have been such a dreadful obligation. I’d not looked forward to our encounter for months now, thinking how much I was dreading the time we’d spend.

Something changed. We were in the kitchen, and I had no desire for the pairing. But for a moment, we danced to “A kiss to build a dream on”, and I smiled. Remembering what it felt like to fall deeply in love. It lasted for such a short moment, while I was lost in the song.

My heart felt full. I had felt a joy that I’ve struggled so hard to reach again.

It’s been such a long while, my passion.
The dance was lovely.

yours truly,

My love.

We’ve been on this “need to see basis”. The last six months or so have been a little bit on the rocky side. Some moments sloppier than others, crying, emotions flying, absolute defeat involved. There have been good days, and bad. The desire to see one another though, that isn’t always there anymore.

Once upon a time, I fell so f*cking madly in love… I could feel passion burning through my god damn veins. Things were so opposite. When we went through a honeymoon phase, I remember the moments so clearly, my heart was exploding. I don’t recall ever feeling so full or happy. It was rare that we’d ever have a bad day. And lately, it’s become more rare that we have a good one.

There’s obviously a lot of factors. Our situation has changed so much. I take blame in so much of what we’ve become.. I’ve been distant, unwilling, down, lost, uninspired especially. When I was lost long ago, it was our connection that brought me back. I was lifted up. I’ve been neglectful. I’m not afraid to admit my faults here. I know that, “time” will never be an issue. I can take all of the time I need, whether it be five years, or ten. We’ll come back to one another, because we were made to be part of each other. I know that in the deepest part of myself. The love I’ve built, I can say will never leave. It’s engrained in me, it’s in my cells. It doesn’t matter the mess things become.

The thought of giving up has crossed my mind more than ever before. Giving it all up has been in question, yes I questioned us.. I’m at this floating point in my life where what we have is terrifying. I don’t believe “we” will lose one another, but I’m scared that I’m more in love with the idea of us. What if… all my dreams come true and I discover that, as tied to each other’s hearts as we’ve become, that I’m not good enough? What if you weren’t what I dreamt my future was supposed to be?

There are people who believe so whole heartedly in us. They all want us to succeed. As many times as I’ve talked poorly of the situations, our friends and family and fans are 150% by our side rooting for us. Does that mean anything!? No one will cease to ask about the love of my life… Of course people think we’re fantastic, because together we make wonder and beauty happen.

We are constantly tested, and that’s normal for ANY type of relationship. I ask that we rekindle. I ask that we no longer only spend time on an obligatory basis. I don’t want us to be a stressor in life anymore. I want the fireworks back.

yours truly,